I could have been the posterchild for it when I think back to my first job. Like I said... Everyone is there at some point in their life, everyone's experience will be different, and some people never get off it.
I've spent way too much of my life thinking I could fix things and make them right. Then I saw it in my son and was able to disabuse him of the tendency. Don Quixote stuff. Probably the result of having been raised by my mother to be a Catholic priest.
Scary when I realize I spent most of my active life on Mt. Stupid.
I could have been the posterchild for it when I think back to my first job. Like I said... Everyone is there at some point in their life, everyone's experience will be different, and some people never get off it.
I've spent way too much of my life thinking I could fix things and make them right. Then I saw it in my son and was able to disabuse him of the tendency. Don Quixote stuff. Probably the result of having been raised by my mother to be a Catholic priest.