HT, I'm surprised by your apparently being so sanguine about Biden. He's simply a sock puppet for the far left of the Democratic party, but I repeat myself. Maybe he won't get Ron Klain's agenda through Congress, but he might. All those budget busting trillions could get through via reconciliation. They might be able to get the majority required to end the filibuster. They might be able to pack the Supreme Court. They might be able to screw up tax rates again. The Obama State Department reincarnate may enter into another catastrophic appeasement of Iran's mullahs. I think Ron Klain et al., er, Joe Biden, is an absolute nightmare.

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I think it's my perspective as a Canadian. Because of the way the American system of government was organized, with all the checks and balances inherent to it, the President of The United States has less absolute power to control policy than the Prime Minister of Canada. The one caveat to that might be foreign relations.... But I don't think Biden really cares much about the world, except in where he can send Hunter to pick up bags.

The issues you mentioned, and I agree they're issues, are only really issues so long as Democrats control the House and the Senate, their majority in the Senate is razor thin, and right now, the party is internally splintering.... Without the boogeyman of Trump to galvanize them, they're going to have to start talking about policy again... And believe me, there are oceans of disagreement between the Progressives and the Liberals.

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Let's forget the zombie formerly known as Joe Biden. He's just the first sitting animatronic U.S. President. He's simply reading whatever is put in front of him by Ron Klain. And Ron Klain seems to have concluded that the only important thing to do is keep the far left of the party happy. I'd very much like to think he's driving the party off a cliff, but maybe that's the future of the U.S. electorate and the future is now? Maybe the guys like Ron Klain think this will allow them, Klain and his generation, to maintain control while simply appeasing the Bolsheviks. I think it's a fool's errand they're on, but who knows, they may be right.

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You're more conversant with and savvy about the politics and policy of the country to your south than 99% of that country's inhabitants. What's up with that?

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